Stressful days. We’ve all had them. At work, at home and everyplace in between. It’s those days that have us so wound up with emotion, so broken down by life, and feeling so beaten from head to toe that we want to just to punch a wall. It’s time to de-stress.
Some level of stress in our lives is to be expected. In the right element, stress helps to increase our awareness. Our body uses it as a defense mechanism in harmful situations. When we’re stressed, our fight-or-flight response is triggered by the release of cortisol, also called the stress hormone. Cortisol causes our heartrate to increase, our muscles to tighten, our breathing to quicken and our blood pressure to rise. Stress is what keeps us on our toes. But too much stress?
Stress is a killer. And chronic stress is even worse. Let me rephrase that: Stress in and of itself won’t kill you, but if left unchecked, stress contributes to health problems that can lead to death. Diabetes. Heart disease. Obesity. High blood pressure. As midlife women, we have enough on our plates, don’t we?
Physical Symptoms of Stress
Stress shows up in many ways in our daily lives, both physically and emotionally. For midlife women, these symptoms could easily be misconstrued as something else. Symptoms of stress include:
- Depression or anxiety
- Headaches
- Feeling irritable
- Upset stomach
- Trouble sleeping
- Loss of libido
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Difficulty concentrating
- Irritability
- Grinding your teeth
20 Ways to Help Midlife Women De-Stress
- Call a Friend. When was the last time you talked to Daphne? Is it time to reconnect with Jennifer? Remember when you last saw Valencia and you both said, “We’ll talk soon. Love you!”? When you’re stressed, talking with a trusted confidant is a great way to slowly release the tension. Share, share, and share some more. Do you need to talk about what’s stressing you out? Absolutely not. If you’re more comfortable not talking about your stressors, then don’t. Pack all the stress away for a while and get your chat on.
- Meditate. Meditation helps to give you clarity and a heightened state of awareness. There are many ways to meditate, but if you’re unsure how to get started, this article may help. Apps such as Insight Timer (it’s the one I use) and Calm can help guide you on the path to meditation.
- Go for a Short stroll. Get outside and get your body moving. Physical activity is one of the best ways to beat stress, so lace up those sneakers and get to stepping.
- Listen to Music. Music is the great equalizer. It’s also the great mood softener.
- And Speaking of Music…Dance! Turn on an up-beat tune and, seriously, dance like no one’s watching. It’s energizing, you’ll burn a few calories in the process, and it may take you back to your favorite high school dance days.
- Sing Like Nobody’s Listening! While you’re listening to music and jumping around dancing, who’s to say you can’t sing along loudly and off key?
- Breathe Easy. There’s nothing quite like taking deep cleansing breaths to ease stress. Try the Box Breathing Method: First, close your eyes and ty to clear your mind. Slowly exhale through your mouth to get all of the air out of your lungs. Next, breathe in through your nose to a slow count of four. Hold your breath for a slow count of four. Next, slowly exhale for four seconds. Finally hold your breath for a slow count of four. Repeat 2 or 3 times.
- Stretch. Take a cue from our feline friends and perform a quick stretch. Reach your arms high over your head, bend to the left side, then the right.
- Write it Out. What better way to get something off your chest (besides screaming into a pillow) than to write about it. Journaling allows you to put your feelings to paper, either in the moment or upon reflection. It allows you to get in touch with yourself and focus on things that may be nagging at you. Journaling is one of those things that everyone can do…including you.
- Pet a Pet. Comfort is as close as your dog or cat. Spend 5 or 10 minutes with your furry friend and feel the stress melt away.
- Hug a Loved One. Reached for a loved one and get a dose of oxytocin – also known as “cuddle hormone” – that’s released. Oxytocin, a chemical in our bodies associated with happiness, is released by such acts as cuddling, kissing and, yes, sexual contact. It also reduces norepinephrine – the stress hormone – and can produce a sense of relaxation.
- Get Your Creative Juices Flowing. Creative pursuits like cooking, adult color books, Zentangle, knitting, crocheting, embroidery, etc. are ways to keep your mind occupied and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
- Flip Through Old Photo Albums. Take a walk down memory lane is a calming activity.
- Spritz Yourself with Your Favorite Perfume. Aromas are a wonderful way to relieve stress. Inhaling scents that you find pleasurable does wonders for the state of mind.
- Try Yoga. Yoga is a wonderful stress reliever as it combines breathing, soothing exercise and meditation all in one. Yin yoga allows for a slower pace, giving you an all-important mind-body connection.
- Laugh Your A** Off! Did you know that laughing helps relieve stress? Yes, it does. There are many ways it helps, including lowering your blood pressure, increasing endorphins and the most obvious, improving your mood. Not only does laughter offer short-term benefits, but those benefits are in it for the long haul.
- Take a Nap. A restorative power nap does wonders for the mood. Only 20 to 30 thirty minutes is all you need to give yourself a mental boost, make you more efficient and reduce stress levels.
- Snack on Antioxidant Boosters. Certain foods rich in antioxidants like dark chocolate, blueberries, and avocados also contain phytonutrients which help improve your body’s response to stress.
- Tune Out Technology. Environmental stress is a big thing these days. We have all types of stimuli coming at us from all directions. Isn’t it time to shut out the noise? Take a break from technology. Put down the cell phone. Turn off the TV. Enjoy the silence for a little while.
- Escape Between the Pages. Pick up a book and don’t be afraid to get lost within the pages. Whether it’s a steamy period romance, an intense courtroom drama, or an insightful biography, a good book can help ease the burden of stress.
What are things you do to help you to de-stress? Let me know in the comments.
Hugging my dog Libby always helps. There’s also nothing like reading and writing on my favorite chair.
Laurie, my dog Chaka is probably sick of me hugging her. 🙂 I often turn to her when I’m a little stressed.