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50 Journal Prompts for a Midlife Woman’s Journey to Self-Discovery

Who am I? What do I want out of life? Am I happy?

Are these questions that you find yourself asking from time to time? Are there days when you feel you don’t know yourself as well as you should? You have goals, you have desires, you have sad moments that haunt you, you have things you’re grateful for, you have stuff that you need to get off your chest…we all do. So why not get real with yourself? Get to that serious one-on-one level with yourself and

Do you know what can help? Journaling.

What is Journaling?

Journaling is a way for you to get in touch with yourself as you navigate your everyday life. Because it’s deeply personal for every woman, it looks different for every woman. Journaling is a way for you to release emotions, be grateful, ponder life, ease stress, or any stream of consciousness that connects you to the page. Journaling is a place to process your thoughts and tap into your inner wisdom.

The important thing to remember is that there’s no right or wrong way with journaling. It truly is what you make it.

The Importance of Journaling

So why is journaling so important, and how can it help you? Here are some of the benefits of journaling:

  • Journaling helps you to examine your life, through your own lens.
  • Journaling helps to transform your emotional well-being.
  • Journaling helps you work through challenges.
  • Journaling helps you ask probing questions and to answer yourself with honesty.
  • Journaling helps you become more self-aware.
  • Journaling helps you heal from the past.
  • Journaling helps you gain meaning insights into yourself.
  • Journaling helps you set and maintain goals.

And these are just a few of the benefits of journaling.

Admittedly, I don’t journal as much as I’d like to and that’s totally on me. And do you know what my number one excuse is? “I don’t have time.” I’ll bet that’s pretty high up on the list of your excuses, too. But you know (and I’m pointing right at myself with this advice, too), if you devote just 10 or 15 minutes a day to start journaling, you’d be amazed at the thoughts that come pouring out of you!

Journaling should be a habit, not a hobby. Devote exclusive time for it. That means no TV, no texting, no cooking – your journaling time should be all about you. Devote a time of day for journaling that works best for you. Some people prefer journaling in the wee hours of the morning, when all the world is asleep. Others find it helpful to write just before going to bed to help deal with the stressors of the day. Whatever time of day suits you, be consistent.

And speaking of you, your journal is for your eyes only. And because you’re writing for yourself, you should feel free to let go of any criticizing or judgment that you might have. Journaling is your chance to be truly open with yourself. This isn’t me giving you permission to open up, it’s you giving yourself the divine permission to explore very nook and cranny of yourself!

50 Journaling Prompts to Help You Get Started

I’ll be the first to admit that journaling takes practice. I’ve come up with 50 prompts to help you get started on your journey to self-discovery. Of course, you’re not limited to these 50. Think of things that move you, write about your day, write about what you want out of life – write about anything. Remember, this journal is not only for you, it is you.

  1. What do you appreciate most about yourself?
  2. Name up to three flaws that you’d like to change about yourself. What can you do to work on or correct those flaws?
  3. Pick 10 words to describe yourself and explain what they mean to you.
  4. Where do you want to be 5 years from now?
  5. Finish this sentence: “I’m at my happiest when…” and continue to write about it.
  6. Finish this sentence: “I’m most insecure about…” and continue to write about it.
  7. Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? What do you believe drives this?
  8. If you could go back in time to your younger self, what’s the best piece of advice you could give yourself?
  9. What mistakes have you made that you can forgive yourself for?
  10. What’s the one thing that’s missing from your life right now and how different would your life be if you had it?
  11. What are 5 things you’re grateful for today?
  12. What is your greatest passion in life?
  13. Write about the saddest time in your life and how you got through it.
  14. What is your fondest memory from childhood?
  15. What is your fondest memory as an adult?
  16. What do you want your legacy to be?
  17. Are you comfortable in your own skin? Why?
  18. Has your life turned out as you envisioned it as a child? How is it the same or different from what you wanted?
  19. What was the last argument you had with someone? How did that make you feel?
  20. Name one thing in life that you did or said that you regret. How has that action or decision affected your life?
  21. What was the last thing you wanted to say no to but didn’t? What stopped you from saying no?
  22. How do you show your love and appreciation towards others? How can you improve?
  23. How do you think people see you?
  24. When faced with rejection, how does that make you feel?
  25. How does it make you feel when you haven’t achieved something?
  26. How do you deal with major life changes?
  27. Name one thing you’d like to succeed at in life. How will you achieve that?
  28. Is there anything in your life that you need help with? Who can you ask for help?
  29. What are a few goals that you’ve set for yourself but haven’t yet achieved?
  30. What are three things that most people don’t know about you that you would like them to know?
  31. What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned in life? Write about how the lesson has impacted your life.
  32. What’s one thing you would do differently if given the chance?
  33. What are the things you’re willing to let go to move forward in life?
  34. What can you do today to make it better than yesterday?
  35. What puts a smile on your face?
  36. What are a few things that annoy you? Why?
  37. What does success mean to you?
  38. What accomplishments in your life are you most proud of?
  39. Write a letter to someone in your life that you’ve hurt.
  40. Write a letter to someone in your life who hurt you.
  41. Write a letter to someone you admire.
  42. What is the last compliment you received? How did you receive it and how did it make you feel?
  43. Let your mind roam free. Set a 10-minute timer and write whatever comes to mind.
  44. Think of the relationships you currently have. What do you value most about them (trust, empathy, respect, etc.)?
  45. What are some distractions that hinder your productivity? What can you do to remedy them?
  46. What is your daily motivation? What gets you out of bed every day?
  47. Write out your recipe for living your best life.
  48. How is your life different from one year ago?
  49. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? How did it impact you?
  50. What can you do to nurture yourself? Write down at least 5 things that you aren’t currently doing and explain why or how they can help you in your self-care and self-discovery journey.

I hope these 50 prompts help you get started on the road to journaling. It really is an amazing way to get in touch with yourself and discover more about you. Drop me a line and let me know how your journal journey is going!


What’s Inside

Valerie around the web

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