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World Menopause Day 2021: Bone Health

Today, October 18, 2021, is World Menopause Day, a global day designed to raise awareness about menopause. The theme for this year’s WMD is: Bone Health.

Bones, which are made up of collagen and calcium, are the framework of our body. Our bones, together with our muscles and joints (the musculoskeletal system), help us move, support our bodies, and give us shape. They also protect our vital organs — lungs, brain, heart, and more.

Bone health is particularly important for women of menopausal age. As we get older and estrogen levels drop, bone loss begins. We’re losing bone faster than our bodies can make it, which is why bone health is so vital.

This World Menopause Day, make changes in your life to ensure your health and the safety of your bones in the coming years. Your body deserves it.

Tips for Healthy Bones in Menopause

Get a bone density test to determine how strong your bones are.
Work it out! Strength training and weight bearing exercises form strong muscles which leads to strong bones.
Ramp up your vitamin D consumption. Vitamin D helps the bones absorb that all-important calcium.
Increase calcium intake in your diet: fish like salmon and sardines, beans, fortified orange juice, edamame, dried figs, papaya, oranges, etc.
Add lots of leafy greens like collard greens, kale and broccoli to your diet (which are also a good source of calcium)
Limit alcohol use and, if you smoke, quit.
Cut back on caffeine, which causes your body to excrete calcium more quickly.
Reduce your salt intake. Like caffeine, salt causes you to lose calcium and increases bone loss.

For More Information . . .


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