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Gogoisms: June 22, 2016

You're a nurturer. You've want to take care of those around you, so you've conditioned yourself to do just that. So much so that you forget yourself in the process. Why not fill your cup first, then ... READ the POST

Gogoisms: June 21, 2016

Just as architects need a design before they can lay the foundation for a magnificent building, so too do you need to sketch out your impending greatness with a blueprint of life. Your dreams can be a ... READ the POST

Gogoisms: June 18, 2016

When self-doubt rears its ugly head, you begin to question nearly everything about yourself, your decisions, your life . . . nearly everything. Emerge from the weeds that are holding you back. ... READ the POST

Gogoisms: June 17, 2016

When you want to show love, show it. Don't bottle it up. Let that expression of love emerge and see the light of day. Secrets are fine, in the right circumstance; don't hide the love. ... READ the POST

What’s Inside

Valerie around the web

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