Show of hands . . . who here doesn’t like taking pictures? Do you shy away from the camera anytime someone whips out their phone? When your friend shouts, “Let’s take a picture! Okay, everybody move closer together,) do you scramble to take up space at the very back of the pack? Do you look at pictures of yourself and say, “Gawwwwd I hate how I look in pictures”? You’re not alone.
My next guest wants to change the way women think about taking pictures. Julie Ulstrap is a photographer who believes that there’s nothing more powerful for women than creating a beautiful portrait that says, “I am here!” She helps her clients see themselves in a way they’ve never seen themselves before. Her passion is to empower women; she knows empowered women make the world a better place. Through her photography, Julie wants to create a new vision and a new perspective to disrupt old ways of thinking through a portrait experience.
Julie is also a TEDx speaker with her talk, “How to Transform The Way You See Yourself.”
Julie’s favorite quote is:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…. Your playing small does not serve the world. ~Marianne Williamson
On The Show . . .
On this episode, Julie and I chat about:
- Empowering women through portraits
- Creating the life you want by saying “yes” instead of “no”
- Showing up for life
- Creating the opportunity to be vulnerable
- and more…
Where to Find Julie Ulstrup:
Website: Julie Ulstrup | Email: Julie Ulstrup | Facebook: Julie Ulstrup Photography | Linked In: Julie Ulstrup
Julie’s TEDxCherryCreekWomen Talk: How to Transform the Way You See Yourself
“Midlife-A-Go-Go the podcast!” is hosted by Valerie Albarda
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Music Credits:
“My Street” by Lee Rosevere Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International (
Amazing!!! Very nice Conversation about empowering women! You both dad and Awesome wonderful podcasts! I never really looked at things the way you guys discussed things about women it made me feel better and happier about our journey in life. Thank you so much! 💕 have a beautiful day!!!
Thank you so much for listening in, Lissa. Isn’t it amazing how are views can shift when we look at something in a different light? Have a beautiful day yourself.
Valerie, thanks for this great conversation with Julie.
As older guy and professional Santa found podcast full of information about importance of human relationships that can be fostered by being seen through photography. Julie’s insights about honoring people (especially women) and being empathetic will
make me be better as a character in photos with others.
Also your discussion about saying yes to life’s possibilities was inspiring.
Thanks so much for listening, Tom. I’m glad the message resonated with you.