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#58. You Find Joy in the Little Things

combating midlife negativity

Life is wonderful. You don’t have to do things on a grand scale anymore. The old saying is true: 

It’s the little things that matter most.

Small gestures win you over. You can take the time to appreciate those things that might have otherwise passed you by 10 or 20 years ago. It’s simple pleasures like listening to a child’s laughter, watching a dog at play in the park, or enjoying a cup of coffee with friends that fill your heart the most.

You’ve realized that the happiness of life is in the small things. When you smile at a stranger, you could be lighting up the day of someone who just got fired from their job. When you hug your significant other, that simple gesture says to them “I love you” without uttering a word. When you turn your face to the sun and smile, you’re appreciating nature.

You know this. And it is a part of you. You really do find joy in the little things.

What’s Inside

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