Sometimes, people will hate on you, try to bring you down or just generally irritate the
heck out of you. Deal with the detractors if you have the energy or inclination;
otherwise, just don’t give a damn.
...enjoy the midlife, skip the crisis
Sometimes, people will hate on you, try to bring you down or just generally irritate the
heck out of you. Deal with the detractors if you have the energy or inclination;
otherwise, just don’t give a damn.
This is something I have to work on. I am trying to change my mindset every day.
Admittedly, Kelly, sometimes it isn’t easy. But as we get older and become more confident in the women that we have become, that confidence allows us to be more comfortable in our own skin and, by extension, not be concerned with what others may think or say about us. Keep thinking positive and you’ll be able to achieve the mindset that you want. Best of luck!
Absolutely. I am finding that as I age this motto becomes easier to live by.
That’s one of the many great things about getting older, Pat: that sense of self-comfort; so much so that the thoughts of others tends to not be a concern for us.
Still trying at almost 60! Getting better!
Don’t give up, Yvonne! I still have to tell myself not to give a damn every day…to keep from getting hurt, feeling left out, etc.