You finally get it. You know when it’s time to clean house. You realized that there are things in life that you’re holding onto that have no place in your life. They don’t add value. They don’t help to move you forward in any way. They used to belong . . . now they don’t.
You respect yourself enough to walk away from the things that weigh you down, harm you, show you in a bad light or reflect poorly on you. These are the things that mar your life. They blemish your soul and leave you spent and wasted.
You’ve practiced the art of releasing
You took the phrase “letting go” and put it to good use.
It — whatever that ‘it’ may have been — no longer served you, so . . . poof!
I enjoyed this, and it put me in mind of that book about the magic of tidying. I love the way she offers you ideas for little rituals to help with the letting go. Because it can feel quite difficult…!
Thanks Lucy. Sometimes letting go can be difficult, but if we really take a look at what is working in and our lives and what isn’t, that helps to give us a nudge in the right direction. Thanks forgetting the conversation started!