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#41. You Have the Luxury of Doing as You Please

combating midlife negativity

As a midlife woman, have you ever wanted to utter the words, “You’re not the boss of me!” and mean it?

It’s simple: you’re the mistress of your domain. You can do whatever the hell you want. And here’s an added bonus: you can do it whenever you want. It’s your timeline, your life and your choice.

Plant a garden? ✓
Go on a cruise? ✓
Start a business? ✓
Revamp your life? ✓
Go back to school? ✓
Build a ‘she shed’ in your back yard? ✓ 
Backpack though Shenandoah National Park? ✓
Become a beekeeper? ✓

The beauty of any one or all of the above? It’s up to you to do! You have the luxury to do . . . whatever.

What’s Inside

Valerie around the web

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