When you woke up this morning, did you know exactly what the day would bring? We often think (hope? pray?) that it’ll be a good day, but then something or someone comes along and upsets the apple cart. One minute you were feeling good about the day, the next minute your flagging spirits take over.
What are ya gonna do?
We can’t allow external forces, bad juju or someone with a chip on their shoulder steal our joy. People misbehave; it’s a fact. Don’t let their predisposition be your downfall for the day.
Bad behavior? It’ll come back to bite them in the end. In the meantime, calm yourself. What goes around, comes around.
I find that giving gratitude is very centering. Keeps me focused on what’s comforting and good in my life.
Being focused and centered is so important in life. Gratitude puts us in that space. Thanks Barbara!