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Midlife Mantra: Letting Go

Sometimes we hold onto things because it fits in our sweet spot — it’s in our comfort zone, we’re used to it or it’s all that we know. But how much are we holding onto that does us no good? How much are we grasping that no longer fits with the women that we’ve become? What is no longer serving us that we’re trying to force to stay a part of us?

It can be a job, a relationship, negative thoughts, your surroundings — it could be anything. It if doesn’t make you happy, if it doesn’t advance you in some way, if it doesn’t add value to your life . . . let it go.

When we  have the strength and courage to move past those things that no longer serve us, we begin to grow.

Open your eyes. Make room for the people, the circumstances, the experiences and the thoughts that will actually serve you.


    • Valerie Albarda says

      Thanks Antionette. I am, too. I’m hoping that it gives midlife women a wide range of mantras to adopt for their daily lives.

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