I believe that 24/7 perfection is a myth.
Yes, I may be able to bake a perfect caramel pecan apple pie (but perfect by whose standards?!?), or get a perfect 100% on an exam (good gracious…I hate taking tests!) or get a clean bill of health from my doctor (but what about that mild disc space narrowing at L4/L5 in my back?), but I can’t sustain that level of perfection across all areas of my life all day, every day.
Does it mean I don’t try – in any area of my life? Certainly not. But I have to keep telling myself that I’m not perfect. I accept that fact.
It’s okay to not be perfect. It’s also okay to strive for perfection. Striving means you’re making an effort at something . . . and when we try, we learn and we grow.
So let’s hear it for growth! But let’s also hear it for being perfectly okay with our imperfection.
This is a good one. We all need to cut ourselves a little slack from time to time, don’t we?
Yes, we’re all flawed and that’s okay. It makes us more interesting.
So true, Rebecca. While we can work to change our flaws, I believe it’s important that we accept them and don’t look at them as something that doesn’t make us somehow whole.