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Midlife Mantra: This Too Shall Pass

We’ve all had the good times in life…those moments that bring a smile to our face, those adventures that make us shriek with laughter, and those days when we’re grateful for all that we have in life. That’s all well and good, but . . . 

. . . sometimes sh*t happens.

Whatever it is, it hits us hard and we just want the madness to stop. We want it over and done with. That day can’t come soon enough. But that day does eventually come. And the pain, the heartache, the misery, the dread — it all passes. 

Tell yourself that. You won’t always be in a bad place. This too shall pass.


  1. Antionette says

    Yes, these are words to live by as we are either in a storm…coming out of a storm…or heading into a storm. This too shall pass!

    • Valerie Albarda says

      So true Antionette. There will always be challenges, but when we remember that we’ll come out on the other end, we realize that we will get through those storms.

  2. Barbara says

    This reminder couldn’t have come at a better time. These past weeks have been trying… it’s comforting to remind myself I’m not alone and that it will pass!

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Glad it’s a good reminder, Barbara. Sorry you’ve had a trying few weeks. Stay strong and know that it’ll pass.

  3. Joy Page Manuel says

    ‘This too shall pass’ has saved my sanity countless times. The other one is ‘one foot in front of the other’. Hoping your week is getting better by the moment!

    • Valerie Albarda says

      I like the ‘foot’ mantra, Joy! Thanks, and I hope you have a great week as well.

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