Stay in the know with Midlife-A-Go-Go!

#28. You May Not Be Fearless, But You Do Fear Less

combating midlife negativity

Life can be scary. The unknown can be even scarier. Put them both together and we’re looking at a helluva lot of fear.

The thing is, though, you’ve spent a lifetime facing down your fears. You thought they were insurmountable, but, surprise . . . they weren’t! That’s a testament to your tenacity and gumption (yeah, I said it . . . gumption).

There were things you didn’t want to do but you swallowed the fear and forged ahead.
Something needed to be said and you were hesitant, but you spoke your peace anyway.
You stood in front of a crowded room and gave that presentation, even though you didn’t think you could.

Yes, you’ve conquered fear. But here’s the thing: there’s still some fear there . . . and that’s okay.

We can’t all be fearless. But we can all fear less.



    • Valerie Albarda says

      I feel the same way, Rebecca. My sense of adventure is more heightened, and also my internal fears — speaking in public, etc. — is not as great.

  1. Haralee says

    So true! I have little social anxiety fears and when I am actually fearful I react quickly. Must be flight or fight kicks in!

    • Valerie Albarda says

      Yeah, could be fight-or-flight! Sometimes I have social anxiety. I went to an event last week where some of the women self-described as “introvert” or “extrovert.” I’m a little of both, so I called myself a “middlevert” 😀 but the actual term is “ambivert” which means I have traits of both! No wonder sometimes I’m fine in social situations and other times I’m tense.

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