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#6. This Ain’t Your Momma’s Midlife

combating midlife negativity

Your mom is special to you. She is the woman to whom you look up. You admire her. On many levels, you want to be just like her. She is a treasure to you and you’re proud to call her ‘Mom.’

You are your mother’s daughter.

But wait. Her midlife? So not yours!

Back in the day, the concept of the internet wasn’t a blip on anyone’s radar. Unfortunately, Mom couldn’t go to Google or Bing and have information about ‘midlife’ pop up at her fingertips in the fraction of a second. Today . . . whoa! There’s articles, videos, downloads, books — valuable resources to help usher women through midlife. You have choices that your mother didn’t have.

Today, you can scoff in the face of society’s perceptions of what a midlife woman is.

Tell them. Show them. You have power. You’re multi-faceted. You’re desirable. This ain’t your momma’s midlife . . . it’s yours.

For the mothers who have departed this life, I say a prayer. May she forever be in your heart. 

What’s Inside

Valerie around the web

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