They’ll test you. Oh yessss, they’ll certainly give it the old college try. Maybe they don’t have anything better to do. I dunno. So they want to see how far they can get. They want to push your buttons. Their intent is to irritate you. Hrmphf.
But you? Uh, no . . . you’re not having it. Not you.
You see, once upon a time, people could get away with doing or saying crazy ass things. Make sideways remarks. Give you the stink eye. Insult you in the thinly veiled disguise of a complement.
Nope. No ma’am.
You could go toe-to-toe with people, get into screaming matches, bald your fist up behind your back and silently dare someone to try you, but you don’t. You’re a classy sort. Because you’re so classy, I’ll let you in on my strategy.
There’s one phrase that has served me well over the years. It’s relatively simple, but it speaks volumes. It lets the offender know 1) they’re bringing the stupid to the wrong person and, 2) now is not the time for stupid. My phrase — you’re welcome to borrow it:
Use it in good health. You’re welcome.