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Somebody Needs to Hear This Today

Have you ever seen or heard something — the message at your pastor’s Sunday sermon, that little voice inside your head, a heart-to-heart talk with your mom — that was right on time? Something that appeared to you just when you needed to see it or hear it? We’ve all had those times when our spirits were broken and we felt lost, confused or alone. It’s at those times that our souls need to be fed with words that will resonate with us.

Well, somebody needs to hear this today.

It could be a co-worker. Perhaps it’s a friend or a family member. It may be your next door neighbor. Or, maybe, it’s you. I don’t know who it is, but at least one person in your life needs to hear this today, right now, this very minute.

You are so much more than less than. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel inferior.

Expect as much from others as you expect of yourself. Don’t shortchange yourself by not holding yourself to a better standard.

It’s never too late to be the best you that you can be.

Your beauty is magnified by your mindset. When you feel it, you become it. Beauty is more than just about the façade. When you begin to appreciate the woman that you are and show yourself love, you become a woman transformed. Your inner beauty will undoubtedly emanate to the outer you.

The word “can’t” is a powerfully negative force in your life. When you think you can’t, you probably won’t. When you say you can’t, you reinforce this defeatist attitude that lurks in your subconscious. Soon, you believe it. Replace “I can’t” with “I will.”

Love and trust in yourself enough to be your own voice of reason.

Go deep. There’s a lot of strength that lies beneath your surface. That strength, that formidable element that lives within you, will help you weather the storms of life.

Don’t be destined for a middle-of-the-road existence

If you believe you weren’t meant for mediocrity, then don’t live a middle-of-the-road existence. Elevate yourself.

Don’t allow cynicism to be your blueprint for the day. For all that may be going awry during this 24-hour time span, surely you can find one thing about which to feel optimistic, one person who makes you smile, a single reflection that makes you nostalgic. Latch onto that and combat the negative with the positive.

When put to the test, you may be astounded at the depth of your resilience. Your ability to bounce back may not be apparent to some, but you are intimately familiar with your level of give and take. Never allow anyone to negate or tamp down that recovery spirit within you.

someone needs to hearIt’s time to forgive yourself. Acknowledge your mistakes, identify the hurt, stop reliving the pain, apologize to yourself and move on.

It’s time to forgive others. When you hold onto the hurt, pain, betrayal, grudge or anger, it festers inside of you and eats away at your soul. Forgive . . . if not for them, then for yourself.

You are not a doormat. You are not a doormat. You are not a doormat. Get it? Got it? Good.


  1. KATE BATTEN says

    This is a wonderful strong message to everyone and life is far from easy. Having messages placed in front of us daily gives us hope to get through the tough times.
    Great blog! And thank you for placing this message in front of me today.

  2. Kim B Smith says

    It is never ever too late and go deep, yes!!!! Like an ice berg. So much is deep in our souls. And anything is possible.
    Simplify and discover peace.

What’s Inside

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