Menopause. I bet you just frowned when you read that one word. In fact, it probably gave you the chills, too, but it’s more likely that you nearly burst into flames. Menopause sucks. I know it and ... READ the POST
Oh Luscious Chocolate Candy Bar, You So Get Menopause!
The topic of the monster that we know to be menopause has been beat to death with a big, hairy, angry, flaming stick. When we're going through it, we're really going through it. That, in turn, causes ... READ the POST
Singin’ The Menopause Blues
Let's face it ladies: menopause blows. If we're not suffering through hot flashes, we're battling fatigue. If our moods aren't swinging wildly to and fro like a pendulem, we're near tears because that ... READ the POST
8 Glorious Gizmos to Help You Breeze Through Menopause
Menopause. Admit it…you loathe this intrusive element in your otherwise sane and calm life. What is it with menopause? Why women? Why at this time in our lives? I often ponder these questions as I ... READ the POST