You know what to spend and where to spend it. You plan your financial diet. Over the years, you’ve built up your great credit rating and you don’t take that for granted. You’ve lived within your means for years.
Keeping up with the Joneses? You could care less about the Joneses. You’ve stockpiled your pennies by saving wisely, no spending foolishly and being a responsible adult. Who says adulting sucks?!?
Feeling good about yourself yet? Great! You should.
Why? Well, partly because this goes back to those wonderful decisions that you make in midlife. And let’s not forget that when you’re financially savvy, your budget isn’t screaming for a break and you actually have money to enjoy life.
Yeah Adulting! Unfortunately I know some people who say”I am no good with money”, like that is an excuse not to have money because of foolish choices that they continue to make!
When it comes to money, mistakes ARE made. But we learn from them (hopefully) and get better with time…hence better financial decisions being made now versus twenty years ago. Or so we hope! 😉