Midlife affords you a bit of built-in respect (…and if it doesn’t, it should). You’ve earned the right to say what’s on your mind.
You have a lot to say. And it’s good stuff! I know . . . I have a lot to say, too. But here’s the beauty of speaking your mind: you’re not holding onto all of that baggage that weighs you down. Sure, you can try to temper your words with an even voice or perhaps plaster a smile on your face to soften the blow, but, dammit, speak it!
Now, don’t get me wrong; I’m not advocating running around blurting out all sorts of nonsense or being mean-spirited for the sake of mean-spiritedness. You’re an adult. You know what’s right and what’s wrong. Let that be your guide.
But, come on, don’t you feel freer to speak your mind?